Friday, 29 March 2013

The wolverine retirement found


1.      Construct and solve an Excel model and answer the questions posed in the Case.

2.      Produce a professional report of your findings (approximately 3-4 pages, double spaced). Assume that you are providing this report to a manager or supervisor who has assigned this project to you. Include:
a)      an introduction of the problem (be careful not to plagiarize when summarizing the case!)
b)      a description of the data (you do not need to show the data or describe in detail the values the data takes on. For example, you may say that you were given values for the costs of a, b, and c but you do not need to say, for example, that the cost of a is $x)
c)      a discussion of the results of your model, including the answers to the questions
d)     conclusions and recommendations, including a summary of the actions you recommend the decision maker take to arrive at the best solution....Click here to get more on this essay.....

Note: Your report will be held to high writing standards. Correct grammar and spelling should be used. Professional business writing should be employed, meaning no slang terms, and no use of the first or second person (i.e. “I”, “we”, “you”. For example, “I entered the data into the model and found that …”).  Instead, use the passive voice (e.g. “When the data pertaining was analyzed, the model showed that …”). See the College of Business Writing Guidelines for details on what is expected in your write up.

3)      Submit both your Excel modeland your reportusing the links on Blackboard. You only need ONE SUBMISSION per team.

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