Friday, 29 March 2013

Media and french tv

Briefly answer the questions with examples and theoretical references - to these 3 questions.
Thank you for being synthetic in your answers! The use of bullet points is permitted.
First question:
How do you explain the importance of French specific contents - in matters of production and broadcasting - on French main TV channels ?
Why did the French authorities implement this global policy for more than 30 years ?
On which basis can you establish a political and editorial convergence with the South Korea audiovisual sector ?    Click here to get more on this essay.....
Second question :
Regarding the example of the analysis of the Time Warner strategy during the class, please select a recent article (press or web), which deals with the strategy (adaptation, innovation, development or partnership) of an historical media (TV, press, radio, cinema...) in the digital context.
Analyze this strategy and its context of implementation thanks to the theoretical models (value chain, the Porter matrix, the Boston Consulting Group matrix).
thank you in advance for joining the scan of this article to your mail.

Third question :
On which main guidelines do historical TV channels implement their strategy so as to maintain and strengthen their position in the digital context ?
Give some examples.

Click here to get more on this essay.....

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