Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Résumé and Cover Letters

First, using the Internet, find two potential jobs that might interest you. One of the positions must contain a vague job description and the other must contain a very specific job description. Feel free to go to sites such as www.dice.com or www.monster.com. Copy and paste these two different job descriptions into a Microsoft Word Document.

The two potential jobs that might interest me are:


1.      Network Administrator

2.      Network Design

Network Security

1.      Systems Administrator

Write a cover letter for each one of the potential jobs and write a résumé.

Next, write a cover letter for each one of the potential jobs. Make sure each is written in a way that best matches the type of job description in the advertisement. Finally, write your résumé.

Post the job descriptions, cover letters, and résumé in a Microsoft Word document.

Lastly answer the following questions:

  • If this résumé were placed on your desk, would you likely invite the person for an interview?
  • Do the cover letters adequately address the unique needs of each job description?
  • Are all of the materials free from typographical and grammatical errors?

Note: This general cover letter and résumé will be part of my final portfolio.

Grading criteria

Quality of Initial Posting

Writing Mechanics (Spelling, Grammar, APA) and Information Literacy

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